
The Power in Acceptance

The Power in Acceptance

Wouldn’t it be amazing if the year 2023 was remembered as a time you found more peace and acceptance in your life?

As we end this dynamic year, let’s pause together to consider what we’ve learned, how we’ve changed, and what we’re taking with us and choosing to leave behind.

Maybe there is something (or many things) that have happened this year that you never would have chosen, yet still experienced and endured. You likely are still enduring some of these and have the ability to choose how you’re living in this season.

There’s power in acceptance.

Harnessing Hope

Harnessing Hope

What do you hope for? This is one of those BIG, deep questions that we often don’t give a lot of mental airtime to answering.

Especially during seasons of uncertainty, we have the opportunity to refocus on the things that matters most to us – our priorities, relationships, goals, and desires.

This month join us as we discover what fuels our hope and how to become more hopeful in our lives now.

Increasing Your Focus

Increasing Your Focus

The secret to getting things done efficiently isn’t time management.

Your performance, health, and happiness are grounded in how well you manage your energy – not your calendar!

Join us this month as we use the science of Energy Management to increase your productivity and focus!

Raising Optimistic Children

Raising Optimistic Children

Even (and especially) when things seem bleak, science shows us that we can learn how to choose optimism and model this for our children.

Join us this month as we share more about how to raise resilient children as we practice optimism more in our everyday lives.

Back To Your Essentials

Back To Your Essentials

As we focus on the core value of simplicity this month, we’re not here to help you Marie Kondo your kitchen, create your perfect capsule wardrobe, or clear out your garage.

No, we’re more interested in decluttering your mind and heart so you can reconnect with what matters most to you.

Less FOMO, more JOMO.

It’s time to get back to your essentials and embrace simplicity across all domains of your life!

Your Life Rhythm

Your Life Rhythm

Do you ever have moments where you’re living life in fast forward and then suddenly in slow motion?

We tend to exist between these extremes, especially as busy parents who also are juggling other demands! We crave moments of peace and rest, knowing all too well that the busyness will start all over again…

As we focus on the core value of balance this month, join us as we learn how to create a healthy life dynamic that includes moments of stillness and rest along with the hustle and heart it takes to keep going.

Recharging Your Connections

Recharging Your Connections

In moments where everything is working, we rarely stop to consider the power of connection and what it allows us to access. Then life happens where you get unplugged or forget to recharge, and you must respond, recalibrate, and plug back in.

Every day, you’re presented with powerful moments to connect, disconnect, or reconnect.

What do you regularly plug into?

Keep Going Strong

Keep Going Strong

As we enter a busy time of year where we’re juggling deadlines, holidays, traveling, and more, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and want to quit before we’re done.

Instead, let’s take a moment to consider how we want to feel at the end of this year and what we need to fuel our lives.

Join us this month as we focus on the value of perseverance and how to keep going.

Gratitude For What Hasn't Happened (Yet)

Gratitude For What Hasn't Happened (Yet)

Missed opportunities. Delayed responses. “Bad” timing. Failures. Waiting…

For all the times we’ve wondered why, and then discovered the blessing or opportunity on the other side...

This month, we’re looking at gratitude through the lens of lack – not gain – as we acknowledge how the things that haven’t happened yet are often as powerful as those things we already have experienced and achieved.

Your Word is Your…

Your Word is Your…

When you follow through, people know that they can trust you. While it often feels impossible to juggle all the demands of life, being true to our word isn’t conditional.

Rather, it’s a core condition of living with integrity.

This month, we’re exploring the value of accountability and how we are known by our commitments.